I got this text a while back from The Captain, my Personal Firefighter and Chauffeur:
A polar bear mom getting grey hairs from her risk-taking son
Apparently, this poor polar bear mom had something in common with me. Whether it was when Dean was younger and learning to ski in the morning and taking black diamond runs in the afternoon, or later when he gravitated to the kind of track cycling that was more of a contact sport than is actually specified in the rule books, Dean was the cause of more than a few motherly screams.
So the gauntlet was laid right in my inbox and I accepted it. Whether this small, 8" x 12" turns out to be a study for a larger work or the end product, I am not sure yet, but it went well - quickly without much angst:
Here I am as a polar bear.
This will probably not end up for sale, (1) because it is so similar to the idea material, which did not originate with me, and (2) because I don't sell self portraits.
I hope you enjoy it, and I hope you go hug your mom.