There will be a few changes here in Art Town this year.
Listen here.
1. Since August I have been a member of a co-op gallery in town called Gallery 360. However, due to rising rents in downtown Vancouver, we are closing for good on Saturday. This will allow me more time to paint but fewer customers for whom to paint. For now, I will be happy with the extra time and worry about clearing out paintings later.
New Year. New Rules.
2. The People Have Spoken. My paintings are selling, but my dumb tote bags are not. I may always paint tote bags, but now only for my own damn self.
Life is short. Art is long. Used Art was a Dumb Idea.
Don't follow the crowd.
3. I'm keeping for now, but now is my primary web domain and will redirect there.
Make a splash.
4. I will eat less until I am not making such an effort to avoid my own reflection. This one is a bit of a cliche this time of year, but just like the lottery, you can't win if you don't play.
We're all just chilly meerkats on a stump in a zoo. Here's a hug from me.
5. I think you're nice. Don't you?